chEer up...

doctor says crying will make u more stress!
in the first 5min
bt after 5min , ur tears will take ur stress away and the excess toxins
in the 15 min phase u should be able to stop ur tears
and feel very relieve and fresh
... seriously.. feels like ur heart will be lighter and not that heavy huh??

Saturday, January 15, 2011

i am who i am..huhu

1. i'm fAt bUt i hAtE wOrkiNg oUt
2. i'm stUpid bUt i hAte 2 stUdy
3. i'm lazy bUt i dO nOthing bOut it
4. i alwAys delay things thAt r iMpOrtAnt...
5. ...n i alwAys rUsh things that r nOt so iMpOrtAnt
bUt in d end Of thE dAy,whO r U 2 jUdge mE???

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